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Celebrating the planet with gusto
Laptop quest continues

Do you like your PC laptop?

When I made the decision recently to update my computer, I bought an i-Mac. I decided on the desktop model because I was concerned about misplacing my computer and losing all my valuable consumer research and writing – not to mention my two screenplays, one play, and about two dozen short stories.

I really like my i-Mac. It meets my needs as a blogger very well. I want to do clips for YouTube, and I’m looking forward to editing video on it.

I travel several times a year and occasionally might want to go to the coffee shop and work on an article. Since you can get a PC laptop for $600 to $800, I thought I might buy one.

Laptop_3 I’ve just started to do the research.

I’ve found the following articles:

Do you have a PC laptop? What do you like about it? Did you make a good decision? What features do you like? Do you hate your PC laptop? Why? Did you buy on the Internet? Did it help you get a good price? What information helped you the most?

Let me know what’s working for you.

I’ll keep you posted on how the research is going.


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Just wanted to let you know that Viewpoints just posted a laptop buying guide. :)

Here is the link:

Hope you find the reviews helpful too!

Robert Axell  Jr

Hi Rita,

My route to your blog was through ChangeWave Investing to Paul Carton where you posted a comment.

In answer to your question about the best PC...?

I've always used a PC because of my employment in business. If I were into education, graphics, or video processing I would definately go with a Mac!

All the best! Rob (age 60)


Hi Jolie,

Thanks for telling me about the Viewpoints article. It's very helpful, especially in terms of explaining the terminology about the features of all these different types of laptops.



Hi Rob,

What kind of PCs do you use at work? Do you use a laptop? If so, do you like its features?


Replacement Laptop Keys

Thanks, Rita for sharing your personal experience with us and sharing some useful links in your post. I hope other readers will like your post too.

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