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What to grow in a winter garden?
What to do with all that zucchini

How to get your yard ready for winter

This spring and summer, I’ve been busy blogging. So it surprised me when I went out in my yard and saw that branches from my mulberry tree were hanging over my roof – again.

It’s important to keep branches from touching or hanging over a house. Ants and other insects can crawl onto the house on these branches. It’s also difficult care for plants when they’re crowded up against the house. In addition, mold may grow on the house if a tree or bush causes too much shade.
These steps are recommended for lawns this fall in the article “Get Your Lawn Ready For Winter”  on the Web site

  • 6a00e5500815768834010534b50328970c-320wi Feed your lawn.
  • Aerate your lawn.
  • Store garden chemicals correctly.
  • Drain hoses completely.
  • Winterize lawn mowers and other power equipment.
  • Clean and lightly oil hand shovels, clippers, trimmers, and other hand tools.

Here are fall garden tips from the article “How to Get Your Garden Ready for Winter” on Flower Gardening Made Easy:

  • Move woody plants.
  • Plant trees or shrubs.
  • Protect young trees with guards.
  • Continue to water trees until the ground freezes.
  • Rake up leaves from your lawn each week.
  • Shred leaves and use them as mulch on flowerbeds.
  • Do one last weeding and discard the weeds that have seeds in the garbage.
  • Clean up dying foliage from perennial plants.
  • Pull up any annuals and add to compost.
  • Do a final weeding and edging of flowerbeds.
  • Plant spring-flowering bulbs.
  • Apply winter mulch after the ground freezes.

Have fun with your fall yard work. Remember, it's good exercise as well as keeping things orderly and getting ready for spring.

Copyright 2008, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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