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October 2008

Have a fun, safe Halloween

Happy Halloween! I hope you have a great time with your kids, grandchildren, and friends celebrating this spooky, calorie-abundant holiday. Be sure to follow safety tips about treats, makeup, and decorative contact lenses. See my article “Halloween Safety Tips for Kids and Adults Can Save Injuries, Illness.” Copyright 2008, Rita... Read more →

Halloween safety tips for kids and adults can save injuries, illness

Many of the Halloween safety tips this year offer warnings we've heard before. Trick or treating Treats: Warn children not to eat any treats before an adult has carefully examined them for evidence of tampering. Flame resistant costumes: Look for the label Flame Resistant when purchasing a costume, masks, beards,... Read more →

Familiar retirement planning techniques fit this financial crisis, analyst says

Suggestions abound for baby boomers on actions they should take during these troubling financial times. Gail MarksJarvis, Your Money columnist for the Chicago Tribune, reports Americans have lost about $2 trillion in workplace retirement funds this year. As baby boomers wonder what to do about retirement, MarksJarvis advises boomers follow... Read more →

How you can help green America

Co-op America is celebrating its 25th anniversary. In the Fall 2008 issue of Quarterly magazine, Co-op America offers an article on "25 Ways to Green the World." "We've assembled, all in one place, our top, time-tested 25 ways you can use your economic power to advance the green economy," Co-op... Read more →

Baby boomers hit hard by economic crisis

Losses in the stock market, plunging home values, and the weakening economy are devastating the retirement plans and options of baby boomers. The article “Baby Boomers Scramble to Reassess Future: What to Do When Your Retirement Disappears Before Your Eyes” on does a good job in laying out how... Read more →