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February 2009

The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide recall of the week: Certain ‘Spyder’ cell phones

About 30,000 LG 830 “Spyder” cell phones, manufactured in Korea and imported by LG Electronics MobileComm USA Inc. of San Diego, Calif., are being recalled because they can have difficulty sustaining a connection or have poor voice quality on calls to emergency 911. The firm has received one report of... Read more →

Tips for baby boomers on how to buy auto insurance, carpet, or bicycles and select a kennel, housecleaner, or appliance repairer

One of the best consumer resources available for baby boomers is Checkbook magazine. It provides ratings of local businesses in seven areas of the country: Boston, Chicago, Delaware Valley, Puget Sound, San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose, Twin Cities, and Washington, D.C. The new Winter/Spring 2009 issue covers these topics: Supermarkets: Which stores... Read more →

Is drywall from China making people sick?

Drywall manufactured in China and installed in Florida is the subject of a class action lawsuit. The drywall may be emitting sulfuric odors, possibly exposing people to respiratory health problems, according to the article “Chinese Drywall a Threat to Homeowners?” on Consumer The emissions can also corrode air conditioning... Read more →

What do you need to do about the peanut recall?

At first it didn’t seem too worrisome. Products from the Peanut Corp. of America, a firm that has allegedly shopped products containing salmonella, were being recalled. News reports said the company only sold peanuts and peanut products to institutions such as nursing homes and hospitals. Now, however, the recall has... Read more →

Baby boomer consumers need to know about product recalls

What you don’t know about product safety could kill you. When I began writing for consumers in 1977, I was on the mailing list of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. I received a news release about a shop light that had killed people and was being recalled. I showed... Read more →