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December 2009

Top 10 consumer stories of 2009

Once again, no newspapers, television stations, or organizations are writing about the most important stories of the year for consumers. Like last year, Time magazine’s "The Top 10 Everything of 2009" issue doesn’t include a list of consumer stories. Here’s my list of the top consumer stories of 2009: 1.... Read more →

What’s in the Senate health care bill?

Finally, the Senate has passed its health care measure, HR 3590. In my opinion, this country needs a much stronger and effective plan and strategy. However, after a year of agonizing debate, at least the Senate has passed a bill. And the House of Representatives, too. AARP CEO A. Barry... Read more →

Recall of the Week: Tool Bench Utility Knife due to laceration hazard

About 204,000 Tool Bench utility knives are being recalled, reports the U.S. Consumer Product Commission. Made in China for Dollar Tree Stores Inc., of Chesapeake, Va., the utility knife’s blade can slide past the blade support during use, posing a laceration hazard to consumers. The black or gray utility knives... Read more →