Foods to avoid if you have trouble sleeping
July 29, 2010
But in her article, “More Foods Hinder Than Help Sleep,” Washington Post reporter Jennifer LaRue Huget found that fat was the main nutrient associated with getting less sleep.
Other culprits inhibiting sleep are caffeine, spicy food, and alcohol.
Huget, who set out to find foods that help people sleep, didn’t find much definitive information.
The benefits of milk, herbal tea, and other comforting remedies help by aiding relaxation not by making you sleepy.
Eating or drinking tryptophan – an amino acid found in meat, poultry, dairy foods, bananas, and chocolate – also doesn’t help you sleep, a researcher told Huget. Certain old-fashioned cures for sleeplessness were based on the consumption of foods with tryptophan.
See Huget’s article for details.
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Posted by: Dana @ | August 03, 2010 at 11:22 AM
Milk is definitely a great remedy for sleeplessness. At least, for me. I've been having troubles with my sleep before and read different articles about it. It's best mixed with tea. I stick to it for a year and half while staying in a dorm with a friend in Greenville, SC. Even my dentist noticed the benefit.
Posted by: Jeffrey Hollister | February 26, 2011 at 12:34 AM