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Are energy bars healthy?

For a while I ate energy bars. My rationale was that it was better than eating a candy bar or other junk food from the vending machine at work.

Cycling_powerenergybars Then I started gaining weight. I quit the energy bars because they were just extra calories. I took an extra apple to work instead.

Prevention says energy bars can be a healthy snack. It tested 15 that had less than 100 mg of sodium, minimal added sugars, and an ingredient list consisting mainly of fruits, nuts, and whole grains.

Prevention’s top five picks for the bars that tasted the best among those tested are:
  • ProBar Fruition Strawberry
  • Bear Naked Grain-ola Tropical Fruit
  • Clif C Apple
  • Kind Fruit & Nut Delight
  • Larabar Banana Bread
See the article for information on the fats, sodium, and protein in each bar. Interestingly, the article doesn’t list the carbohydrates and sugars for the bars. You can find out that information by typing the name of the bars into a search engine and looking on sites that sell them.

While these energy bars may be worth considering and useful for athletes, hikers, and bikers, be wary of high-energy bars and meal replacement bars. While these products may contain some nutrients, they’re often high in fat, sugar, and calories. These products often don’t fill you up and end up being consumed in addition to a normal diet.

For more information, see the Nutritional Diva’s “Energy Bars.”

Copyright 2010, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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I don't eat energy bars as I find eating either banana or apple more healthy as well as cheaper than them.

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