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Photo fun: My photos appear in county voters’ pamphlet

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To mark the 100th anniversary of women being granted the right to vote in Washington state, about 50 people marched in Olympia’s Lakefair Parade on July 17 dressed as suffragettes and enlightened men of the Golden West.

Some rode in antique cars provided by the Olympia Region of the Horseless Carriage Club of America.

I had a great time taking photos. I took about 650 photos of the participants before and during the parade.

It was nice to learn that my photos are appearing as artwork on the front and back covers of the Thurston County Voters’ Pamphlet and on page 13 where a summary of the struggle for suffrage is given. The pamphlet provides information on candidates and a school levy to county voters for the general election Nov. 2

To see my best photos, along with starbursts, go to “Community Celebrates ‘Voter for Women’ at Annual Parade.”

I love taking photos. It’s great when they turn out well and appear where a lot of people can see them.

Copyright 2010, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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