How are you celebrating with your dad or remembering him on Father’s Day?
June 19, 2011
By Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist
I’m thinking about my dad Minor H. Slingsby today on Father’s Day. He died in 1990 at age 80 from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is linked to pesticide exposure. He was a farmer.
My dad had a great influence on my life. It was important to him to be a good consumer, making every dollar count. I got my interest in consumerism from him. He also liked to read the newspaper, and would read aloud parts of articles to us. Then he’d laugh heartily. I became a consumer journalist due to his influences. Here’s a tribute I wrote to my father.
The photo is of my dad, my two sisters, and me. I’m the youngest daughter, the one he’s holding.
I hope you have a great Father’s Day. If you’re lucky and live close to your dad so that you can celebrate together, best wishes for a good visit. If you’re like me and your dad has passed away, enjoy your memories.