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Boomer Guide joins Blogging Boomer Carnival for weekly reports on boomer happenings

By Rita R. Robison

Baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are America’s largest age group so far, and a fascinating group they are.

Tulips Orange BigBoomers are leading corporations, serving as governmental officials, heading up non-profits, worrying about retirement, and experiencing layoffs at a higher rate than younger workers. They’re also reinventing themselves in trying economic times, with some looking for their dream jobs to keep them happy in retirement.

At each stage in their lives, boomers have changed things. They’re continuing to make America different as they begin entering into their retirement years.

For about five years, a web community of boomer bloggers has been covering the boomer scene and posting weekly about what their blogs are covering. They call themselves the Blogging Boomer Carnival and last week, I joined their ranks.

This week, Anne Maxfield at Accidental Locavore is hosting the roundup with “Blogging Boomer Carnival 259: A Celebration of Mother’s Day.”

Anne reports on blogs about grandmotherly advice for teenagers, what working mother’s want, and tips for stressed out moms.

Other members of the Blogging Boomer Carnival are: The Midlife Crisis Queen, Sightings at 60, Arabian Tales and Other Amazing Adventures, So Baby Boomer, Vaboomer, Empty House Full Mind, and Witty Woman Writing. 

Copyright 2012, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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