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Food, positive living, longevity, space, and expat living are topics for this week’s Blogging Boomer Carnival

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Katie Foster of Arabian Tales and Other Amazing Adventures is the host for this week’s Blogging Boomer Carnival #286.

The carnival is a collection of like-minded blogs cooperating to share their best stories of interest to the Baby Boomer Generation.

For this carnival, boomer bloggers are writing about the Hubble Space Telescope, federal grants to connect school cafeterias with local agricultural products, ways to live comfortably with uncertainty, longevity zones around the world, and the challenges for expats living overseas.

Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are leading corporations, serving as governmental officials, heading up non-profits, worrying about retirement, and experiencing layoffs at a higher rate than younger workers. They’re also reinventing themselves in trying economic times, with some looking for their dream jobs to keep them happy in retirement.

At each stage in their lives, boomers have changed things. They’re continuing to make America different as they begin entering into their retirement years.

In addition to The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, members of the Blogging Boomer Carnival are: The Midlife Crisis Queen, Sightings From 60, Arabian Tales and Other Amazing Adventures, So Baby Boomer, and Vaboomer.

Copyright 2012, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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