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Consumer product safety improvement law: Five breakthroughs in five years

It’s the fifth anniversary of the passage of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act.

Crib SaferThe law includes strong product safety reforms that strengthened the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

In the five years since the CPSIA was passed, five significant safety breakthroughs have occurred:

“Consumers are safer as a result of the CPSIA and its effective implementation,” said Rachel Weintraub, legislative director for the Consumer Federation of America. “Never in CPSC’s history have more rules been promulgated and in such a short time period. These rules will have an important and positive impact on consumers.”

To mark the fifth anniversary of the law, the federation, Kids In Danger, Consumers Union, the American Academy of Pediatrics, U.S. PIRG, Public Citizen, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and the Center for Effective Government are offering a recap of the benefits of the law to American consumers.

See “Fifth Anniversary of Consumer Produce Safety Improvement Act: Five Safety Breakthroughs in Five Years” for details.

Copyright 2013, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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