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What are baby boomer bloggers writing about? The past, present, and future

Tulips Two Girls IMG_1892I’m the host for this week’s Best of Boomer Blogs #353.

With spring finally in full bloom, baby boomer bloggers are writing about memories, life lessons, discrimination, wisdom, and generational differences.

Sightings Over Sixty

Tom Sightings of Sightings Over Sixty is dipping into a bit of nostalgia this week – remember summer jobs, friends at work, and a minimum wage of $1.25 an hour? And, in “A Mustard and Ketchup Fight,” Sightings recalls a few of the lessons he learned in the summer of '66.

Midlife Crisis Queen

Laura Lee Carter of the Midlife Crisis Queen thinks her 59th birthday is a good time to share a few of the things she has learned on her trip through midlife.

Modern Senior

On the Modern Senior, Amy Blitchok takes a look at a new lawsuit that is making the news. Recently, a New York nursing home came under fire for allowing residents to hire male strippers as entertainment. A family member of one of the residents is suing and claiming that his mother was forced to participate. Learn more about full story and weigh in with your thoughts on this controversy. Is this a case of elder abuse or age discrimination.

The Generation Above Me

What makes a person wise? Karen Austin from The Generation Above Me shares the findings of the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm

The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide

On my blog, I write about the expansion of the Boomer Project, a boomer think tank, into a company called GenerationsMatter. It offers information and marketing tips related to all generations.

Be sure visit these boomer websites to read the articles described above and other offerings by the bloggers writing for the Best of Boomer Blogs. They'd appreciate it, too, if you'd leave a comment. Boomer bloggers love to hear from readers. And, stop by next week to see what boomer bloggers are writing about.

Copyright 2014, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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