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Baby boomer bloggers celebrate Summer Solstice with articles on exercise, health, retirement, and relationships


Photo: Daniel Stockman

I’m the host for this week’s Best of Boomer Blogs #361.

One of the big ways we celebrate Summer Solstice here in the Seattle area is with the Fremont Solstice Parade. Hundreds of people participate, and one thing you can do is paint your body and ride a bicycle nude.

While that might be an exciting way to mark the longest day of the year, baby boomer bloggers are following their usual routine and writing articles helpful to boomers.

Amy Blitchok of the Modern Senior asks, How long have you been meaning to get in shape and start your exercise routine? Not even sure where to begin? Don’t worry about having to join a gym or even leave your house. You can begin to improve your strength and balance just by executing some simple movements. Blitchok suggests you go to her blog, view instructional videos, and get tips on “How to Get Fit at Any Age.”

On Sightings Over Sixty, Tom Sightings gets caught up in a drama involving his friends, their son, and their son's girlfriend. Perhaps as a wise baby boomer parent you can answer the question pondered in his latest post: “Should She Take Him Back?”

Laura Lee Carter of the Midlife Crisis Queen is moving this week, but she thought she might share a few lessons with those of you who plan to move elsewhere for retirement... It’s scary stuff, Carter says.

On my blog, I write about a new Web offering by the National Institutes of Health, Quitting Smoking for Older Adults. It offers videos, worksheets, interactive features, strategies, quizzes, and more for older smokers who want to or are thinking of quitting. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable, premature death and illness in the United States, responsible for almost half a million deaths each year. In addition to lung and other cancers, smoking can cause heart disease, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD.

Be sure and take a look at these articles by boomer bloggers. And, leave a comment. Boomer bloggers love to get comments.

Copyright 2014, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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