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Are you registered to vote?

Vote buttonToday is National Voter Registration Day.

Thousands of organizations across the country are celebrating by registering tens of thousands of new voters.

“Today is an important day for all of us to help voters get ready to head to the polls to weigh in on the issues that matter most to them,” Elisabeth MacNamara
, president, U.S. League of Women Voters, said in an email. “2015 may not be a presidential election year, but there are thousands of important offices at stake across the country on November 3 – not to mention the upcoming presidential primaries in early 2016.”

MacNamara suggests there are three things you can take to help celebrate National Voter Registration Day:

1. Help make sure no one is left out. Send an eCard to people you know who may need to register to vote or update their registration. Make sure to include anyone you know who recently turned 18, became a citizen, moved, or changed their name.

2. Share a photo of your voter registration card, an “I’m registered” sign, or a voter registration application on your social media channels with a link to the League’s online voter registration tool. Be sure to include the #celebrateNVRD hashtag. Your actions on social media can influence your friends to take action, so encourage your networks to get registered.

3. Mentor a friend who is new to the elections process. Help show new voters the ropes by sharing the League’s online elections resource, with them. VOTE411 can help voters learn about upcoming elections, including important deadlines and information regarding in-person and absentee voting in every state. Then commit to going to the polls with them on Election Day.

A reminder: If you’ve moved or changed your name since the last time you registered to vote, you’ll likely need to update your voter registration information. Check your current registration status here.

More than 260 local Leagues across the nation are holding registration activities today, she said. League volunteers are finding new voters at bike races, supermarkets, gyms, and new citizen ceremonies.

 said voter registration is the key to ensuring that all Americans can engage in the country’s political process. 

Copyright 2015, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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