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Baby boomer bloggers want to know if you’re happy where you are

Beach Miami Two PeopleTom Sightings of Sightings Over Sixty is the host for this week’s Best of Boomer Blogs #420.

Sightings says he’s written a few posts on happiness and thinks the search for happiness comes in many forms, both at home and abroad, both inside ourselves and out in the world. 

One of our bloggers, Laura Lee Carter of the Adventures of the New Old Farts recently moved into her new dream house in the Colorado foothill.

Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting loves the beach at the Jersey Shore.

Meanwhile, our group's newcomer, Linda Myers of Thoughts From a Bag Lady in Waiting, takes a different approach by going in search of happiness in strange and foreign places.

Kathy Gottberg of is interested in sustainable happiness and offers a list of 10 signs of sustainable happiness.

Sightings concludes by writing it's not enough to achieve happiness for ourselves alone. Perhaps it's not even possible, for true happiness involves other people and the meaning they bring to our lives.

Copyright 2015, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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