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Baby boomer bloggers focus on veterans, love, math, and grandchildren

Veterans_bigLaura Lee Carter of the Adventures of the New (and Improved) Old Farts is the host for this week’s Best of Boomer Blogs #426.

Carter rightly tells us, in the wake of the devastating murders in Paris last week, that anything can happen to anyone of us at any time. She’s happy that she focused on love in midlife and found Mike, a Vietnam era veteran, who she loves and cherishes.

Another boomer blogger writes about going with her husband, a Vietnam vet, to a meeting of a chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, at which he spoke.

On my blog, I write about veterans being aggressively targeted by “for-profit” schools that charge high tuition for courses that are worthless in getting them jobs.

A new grandchild and a simple math problem are other topics our boomer bloggers are writing about.

As Carter says, we boomers are surviving and thriving by living life with no regrets.

Copyright 2015, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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