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Recall of the Week: General Motors pickup trucks due to seat belt defects
Happy Tax Day 2016

Baby boomer bloggers write about what’s on their minds

Taxes_helpI’m the host for this week’s Best of Boomer Blogs #446.

I’ve had a busy week here as spring continues to blossom beautifully.

However, along with spring flowers, comes tax time. I wrote about my unhappiness with my tax preparer and how to avoid tax scams.

Baby boomer bloggers in our group also are busy.

This week Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting rants about the presidential campaign. The 24/7 pervasive news atmosphere makes it difficult to ignore the hype. Baer tries to block it out but is thinking about finding a place without cell reception, TV, or any other electronic connection with the outside world for the next few months. Meanwhile read about her comments on “The Ubiquitous 24/7 News and the Presidential Campaign.”

Tom Sightings of Sightings From Sixty took a trip to his favorite store last week, got to the checkout counter, and... well, he couldn't help but offer up a sight gag in “How Could I Be Hungry?

Laura Lee Carter of the Adventures of the New Old Farts just finished building a solar home in rural Southern Colorado. Carter invites people to go see the blizzard at her house. What could be more exciting? Now she knows she'll have lots of beautiful spring wildflowers.

Over at Heart-Mind-Soul, Carol Cassara offers a weekly fix of inspiration. In “Forgiving the Unforgiveable,” she tells a recent true story about a situation that would challenge any of us to forgive.

Thanks for stopping by. And, be sure to take a look at these boomer blogs and join in the conversation.

Copyright 2016, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist


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