Baby boomers keep keeping on
January 22, 2018
Last week was a tough week for consumers, with Mick Mulvaney, the most right-wing conservative in the Trump administration, being appointed as temporary head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. One of Mulvaney’s first actions was to announce that he would reconsider the recently finalized payday lending rule.
I thought I’d never get over being depressed, but the Women’s March at the Washington state capital Saturday cheered me up. Thousands of women gathered, listened to speeches, and carried signs. Among the hundreds of signs were ones that said “Grab Trump by the Midterm,” “What Oprah Said,” “It’s Sooo BAD Even Introverts Are Carrying Signs,” “Trump Said He Would Run the Country Like a Business. Is This the Part Where He Files for Bankruptcy?” “Veto the Cheeto,” and “Vote.”
Signs also supported rights for women, immigrants, and black, LGBTQ, and indigenous people as well as advocating for health care and climate change action.
Speakers urged women to vote and run for public office. The League of Women Voters had a table where people could register to vote.
Meanwhile, baby boomers keep ongoing.
On Unfold And Begin, Jennifer Koshak likes to blog about goal setting and how vision boards help you to meet them by keeping those goals in sight. Koshak was dismayed, however, when she found that many people who found her blog were searching for how to buy a vision board. In her article, she writes about why it's important to create your own vision board and shares some tools and products to make it easier for you.
To Sue Loncaric from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond, we’re moving quickly through January and the festive season seems a distant memory. Loncaric wants to know if you’ve started with good intentions to improve your life in 2018 and whether you’ve already fallen off track. She discusses how having the right mindset is the key to thriving in life. Read her thoughts and ways you can improve your mindset today.....
Tom Sightings of Sightings Over Sixty has ventured into making a few predictions. But, as he tells us in “Easy to Predict, Hard to Be Right,” it didn't take him long to figure out that most of the time forecasting the future isn’t much more than a guessing game. Still, he did find that there are a few ways to make sure you're keeping your eyes on the road, and seeing ahead more clearly.
Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting spent three days immersed in writing at the Poetry and Prose Getaway, the perfect indoor, warm, and cozy activity for a cold, wintry weekend. Baer spent time writing, eating, discussing writing and eating, listening to others’ poetry and prose, learning, and drinking – a must for writers, right? Read about her experience in “Weekend Writing Getaway.”
On A Healing Spirit, Carol Cassara's guest blogger, an RN, addresses medicine's extreme measures and the reluctance of many physicians to consider the quality of life in their recommendations.
Laura Lee Carter has news for you on her blog the Adventures of the New Old Farts about the gut-brain connection in all of us. Through her own misfortune with a virulent intestinal infection, Carter is learning about how a happy gut is required for a clear and healthy brain. See “Happy Gut, Happy Life” for details.
Getting a cold or the flu is always annoying but one way you’ll feel better is to have a soothing cup of tea. Rebecca Olkowski of Baby Boomster discusses wellness tea blends, tea history, and what to look for in a tea brand.
This is the Best of Boomer Blogs #531. After reading the articles, be sure and leave a comment. Boomer bloggers love to hear from readers.
Yes Rita, Americans are taking a beating with this idiot in charge. Most have no idea now what the long-term impact will be. So glad you could find kindred spirits at that Women's March. Love the signs, especially the one about introverts. I would only add "Rage Against the Tangerine!"
Posted by: Laura Lee Carter | January 22, 2018 at 04:47 AM
It's so disheartening. I attended the Women's March in Los Angeles. Over 500,000 people showed up. Just wrote a blog post about it.
Posted by: Rebecca Forstadt Olkowski | January 22, 2018 at 10:24 AM
Hi Laura Lee and Rebecca,
Thanks for your comments. It's good to have kindred spirits during this tough time.
Posted by: Rita | May 06, 2018 at 10:18 PM