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Manafort, guilty – Cohen, guilty: What’s next?

494px-Paul_Manafort_at_2016_RNC Michael Cohen

Paul Manafort                        Michael Cohen

Photo: Voice of America        Photo:

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know that I’ve written dozens of articles about how the Trump administration is slashing environmental and consumer laws and regulations as fast as it can.

To me, yesterday was a great day in terms of beginning to get some answers about the crimes being committed by members of Trump’s inner circle and, perhaps, the president himself.

Paul Manafort, 69, Trump's former campaign chairman, was found guilty Tuesday by a jury on eight counts of financial crimes. The eight counts included five tax fraud charges, one charge of hiding foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud.

Michael Cohen, 51, former longtime Trump attorney, pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight felony charges of tax fraud, bank fraud, and campaign finance violations. Cohen said he coordinated with Trump to illegally pay off two women to keep them quiet about alleged affairs with Trump.

At last, we’re beginning to get some answers on what officials in the Trump administration were up to. Cohen pointing to Trump about a campaign violation is particularly illuminating.

What’s next?

I hope that we’ll soon hear from Robert Mueller, the special counsel, about what his extensive investigations have found.

To me, it’s taken far too long to investigate Trump’s wrongdoing. Trump should never have been allowed to take the presidency. It was clear that he was a liar, cheat, and thief. His actions as president have shown him to be erratic and narcissistic, damaging our government institutions and ruining the position of the United States as the leader of the free world.

The only reason Trump was elected is that we have the antiquated Electoral College system. It’s been an agonizing 20 months. Hopefully, Trump will be gone soon.

It’s hard to understand how people can support Trump. He’s allowing asbestos to be used in consumer goods again. Asbestos kills people. New data released this year shows asbestos-related deaths in the U.S. total nearly 40,000 annually, more than double previous estimates of 15,000.

Also irritating: I'm sitting in my house unable to go out due to smoke from wildfires. I have respiratory problems so I'm limiting activities outdoors. With climate change, this situation is only going to get worse. And, we have a president and his cronies who say climate change isn't real.


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