Top 10 tips for saving energy and money
October 16, 2019
The cold of fall is beginning to grip most areas of the country and winter will be here soon. If you’re thinking about your energy bills that go up every winter, it’s time to take action.
The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the average household spends at least $2,200 on energy, and that at least half of that is for heating and cooling their home.
The Consumer Federation of America offers the following tips to help people reduce energy costs this winter and throughout the year:
1. Make the switch to LEDs.
LED light bulbs last up to 25 times longer and use up to 90 percent less electricity than incandescent bulbs. You pay more up-front, but shop around, prices are dropping.
Tip: By switching five of your home’s most frequently used bulbs with ENERGY STAR certified LEDs, you can save $75 on energy costs annually. To match the soft, yellow-white light of your old bulbs, choose LEDs between 2700-3000 kelvin. Bulbs with a cooler or bluish light will be between 4000-6500 kelvin.
2. Heat and cool efficiently.
Don’t waste money heating or cooling an empty home. Install a programmable thermostat and in colder weather schedule your home’s heat to lower when you’re away or asleep, and increase when you are returning home or waking-up. In warm weather, schedule the thermostat to raise the temperature when you are away or asleep, and lower it at other times.
Tip: Follow the U.S. Department of Energy recommended temperatures and be energy-efficient all year.
3. Maintain your HVAC system.
Make sure to clean or change your furnace filters regularly. A dirty furnace filter will slow down air flow, making the system work harder to keep you warm – or cool – and costing you more money.
Tip: Consider getting a winter tune-up. Just as a tune-up for your car can improve your gas mileage, a semi-annual or yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can be vital to improve efficiency, saving you money and making your home more comfortable.
4. Seal those leaks.
On average, heating and cooling account for almost half of a home’s energy consumption. All the small leaks can be equivalent to leaving open a 3-foot-by-3-foot window.
Tip: Take simple steps such as caulking windows, sealing leaks around chimneys and recessed lighting, and sliding draft guards under your doors to save up to 20 percent on heating costs.
5. Wash your clothes efficiently.
A washing machine spends 90 percent of its energy to heat water. There are ways to use it efficiently.
Tip: Consider using cold water instead of hot. In addition, try to run full loads as much as possible, because the machine uses roughly the same amount of energy regardless of the load size. Also, consider air-drying.
6. Clean your dishes efficiently.
Dishwashers make life easier. Look for ways you can use your dishwasher efficiently to save energy dollars.
Tip: Avoid the “rinse hold” cycle and skip heated drying – open the door at the end of the washing cycle and let the dishes air dry.
7. Turn the electronics off.
It’s easy to forget and leave electronics plugged in that aren’t in use.
Tip: Turn off unnecessary/idle lights, appliances, and electronics. A power strip can help turn off multiple items at once and avoid “phantom loads.”
8. Winter tip: Invite the sun in.
Don’t forget to take advantage of the sun during the cooler shorter days.
Tip: Open curtains/shades on your west- and south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home, and save 2 percent to 12 percent.
9. Summer tip: Close blinds and shades.
Excess, warm summer sunlight makes it harder to keep your home cool and comfortable.
Tip: During the day, keep your blinds and shades closed to prevent warm air from building up in your home.
10. Look for the ENERGY STAR label.
Clothes washers and dryers that have earned the ENERGY STAR label provide better energy efficiency by incorporating advanced features that deliver on performance while being gentler on your clothes. You can save $380 over the lifetime of an ENERGY STAR certified clothes washer. They use 25 percent less energy and about 33 percent less water than standard models. Learn more at:
Tip: If you are undertaking a major home remodel or building a new home, consider installing ENERGY STAR qualified HVAC equipment and appliances.
For more energy saving info, visit
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