Baby boomers enjoying the New Year and making plans for 2020
January 20, 2020
Last week, I was fortunate to be able to attend a conference in San Diego on women’s history. Sponsored by the National Women’s History Alliance, an organization that promotes women’s history, the conference featured discussions on how to plan activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary this year of women getting the vote in 1920.
The Washington delegation offered a presentation on “From Bloomers to Short Shorts: A Brief History of the Right to Wear Pants.” I portrayed Fay Fuller, who, in 1890, was the first known woman to climb Mount Rainier.
Boomer bloggers in the Best of Boomer Blogs are also writing about what’s up for 2020:
Tom at Sightings Over Sixty came across several new state rankings for retirement in 2020. So this week he puts them all together and gives us the highlights and the low lights about retirement meccas from Hawaii to Florida to Vermont. Check out "Best States to Retire In – 2020" to see if your state made the Top Ten Best List, or Top Ten Worst list.
For the New Year, Jennifer Koshak of Unfold and Begin writes about trying new things. Whether it’s eating at a new restaurant, starting a new job, or buying a new pair of shoes, we’ve all tried new things in our lives. It’s part of life and it’s part of growing up. But sometimes, when we're about to start something new, we become unsure and let fear creep in. Koshak discusses why it's important to try new things in “When Was the Last Time You Tried Something New.”
Carol Cassara of A Healing Spirit has a tip if learning yoga is on your list of 2020 resolutions. Cassara was relieved to know that yoga can be practiced without having to contort one's body in unnatural (or natural) poses. She tells us we don't have to use our body at all to be a yogi in “How Can You Practice Karma Yoga.”
Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting began the New Year by traveling once again. Baer spent a lot of time on the road the past two weeks not driving, or rather not necessarily moving along. Her trip began with a bit of a problem at the airport, as she recounts in this week’s post, "Winter Brea(down – Almost)."
For the New Year, Rebecca Olkowski with has updated her best online exercise programs for women over 50 as she’s found some new and exciting programs you can enjoy from the comfort of your home.
Laurie Stone of Musings, Rants & Scribbles, on the other hand, tell us about an activity that she admits to liking throughout the year. She eavesdrops sometimes. She tries not to, but can’t help it. And her favorite place for eavesdropping is her local java joint. She's there for lunch an embarrassing amount of time. (O.K., almost every day). She brings her laptop and works. But here’s the interesting thing. Fascinating insights can be gleaned by “accidentally” listening into the following groups…
This is the Best of Boomer Blogs #632. Click on the links to read these great articles. And, be sure to join in the conversations. Boomer bloggers love to hear from readers.
Thanks to Laurie Stone for shedding light on one of the most popular activities among retirees!
Posted by: Tom at Sightings | January 20, 2020 at 06:08 AM
Hi Tom,
So, you must know other eavesdroppers, eh?
Posted by: Rita | January 20, 2020 at 07:03 PM
I am particularly enjoying this edition!
Posted by: Carol Cassara | January 21, 2020 at 06:15 AM
Hi Carol,
Thanks. I had so many photos from the conference and the Women's Museum of California that it was hard to choose which one to use. However, I like the one of me in the Fay Fuller costume a lot.
Posted by: Rita | January 21, 2020 at 11:23 AM
Sounds like a fun conference you attended. I love your outfit.I bet you had fun in San Diego. One of my favorite places to hang out.
Posted by: Baby_boomster | January 22, 2020 at 08:30 AM
Hi Rebecca,
Yes, it was a fun time. In addition to the conference, I got to stay with my niece and her family. It was a great visit. I especially enjoyed the sunshine. It's so rainy now in the Seattle area.
Posted by: Rita | January 22, 2020 at 10:13 AM
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Posted by: dasfg dasfg | February 04, 2020 at 10:30 PM