Baby boomers concentrate on keepin’ on during the coronavirus pandemic
March 30, 2020
I’m working on my book about my journalism career, so these days of staying at home are going by quickly for me. I have plenty of food (and toilet paper) and just found out I can order groceries, except frozen food, from my local food co-op. I was ready to try Safeway or Fred Meyer thinking eating nonorganic food would be a lesser risk than going to the co-op to shop.
Then, I wrote about the Dirty Dozen, a list of the produce with the highest pesticide residues offered yearly by the Environmental Working Group. Topping the list are strawberries, spinach, and kale. The EWG recommends that whenever possible, consumers purchase organic versions of produce on the Dirty Dozen list.
Raisins, which hadn’t been tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture since 2007, had the most pesticide residues. The EWG recommends eating organic raisins or prunes. Prunes, USDA tests found, had much lower pesticide residues than either conventional and organic raisins.
Meanwhile, boomer bloggers are writing about:
- A warning for people to be on the lookout for scams related to federal stimulus payments.
- Great recipes to cook during your lockdown.
- How one community is posting rainbows to cope with the coronavirus pandemic.
- How she’s doing selling things so she can move, shown in a video she made.
- New things you can learn while practicing social distancing.
- A search for how to do something reasonably refreshing, meaningful, and healthful during home isolation has come with only one thing so far – a walk.
Laurie Stone of Musings, Rants & Scribbles writes about these articles on the Best of Boomer Blogs #643. Click here to get the links to the articles. And be sure to leave a comment for the boomer bloggers. It’s fun to hear from you.