Baby boomers share stories of staying at home during these coronavirus pandemic times
May 12, 2020
Mother’s Day was different this year. Instead of celebrating with my daughter and her family in Spain like I often do, I was at home in the Seattle area following Washington state’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order.
I enjoyed a video call with my daughters and pizza and chocolate cake. I got the idea for the pizza and cake from my birthday request made earlier in May. It was so good, I repeated it for Mother’s Day.
While staying home gets tiring at times, it’s giving me a lot of time to work on my book “Follow the Money: My Life as a Financial Journalist.”
Meanwhile, boomer bloggers are writing about how they’re doing during the pandemic:
- How it’s working out to live with roommates and share a bathroom after age 65.
- A report on being quarantined with your husband, mother, and two grown sons.
- How to carefully venture out of your home to get needed items, such as tomato seedlings, but not go so far you have to pee.
- A survey on what moms want from their families for Mother’s Day this year.
- How adult coloring books help soothe some of these stressful days.
- The offering of comic relief during these pandemic times – a lawyer joke.
Carol Cassara of Heart•Mind•Soul writes about these articles on the Best of Boomer Blogs #649. Click here to get the links to the articles. And be sure to join in the conversations. Boomer bloggers enjoy sharing ideas with readers.
At first glance, quarantine seems incredibly boring. Sitting at home all day is something else. However, if you show a little imagination and initiative, you can occupy yourself with a bunch of interesting things. Make something with your own hands, learn how to better own the instrument, compose music, having previously studied the pentatonic scale to repair an old thing, to look after a car - all these things could wait long for their turn, but now their time has come. So there is no time to get bored in quarantine.
Posted by: dasfg dasfg | May 13, 2020 at 03:36 AM
so as not to be bored sitting in quarantine I began to paint pictures
Posted by: strumma | May 15, 2020 at 06:22 AM
I decided to promote my account on instagram. I have long wanted to upload my photos, but I just didn’t have time to do it because of work. But sitting in quarantine, I got a lot of time and I successfully promote my photos using Instagram Likes here I was provided the number of likes and views I needed at an inexpensive price.
Posted by: azalliya | May 15, 2020 at 06:30 AM
I also want to try to promote my products on Instagram
Posted by: geka | May 22, 2020 at 12:32 PM
If you want to promote your business on Instagram, then do not forget that you must have real followers and likes. By the way, I often buy real followers without unsubscribing at and I like that all these accounts are real and live. They help me make my business more efficient and profitable.
Posted by: afjgh | May 22, 2020 at 12:35 PM