Bloggers embrace fall and its activities, including voting and pumpkin surprises
October 23, 2020
The pumpkins are out and we’re going to have an early freeze Saturday and Sunday here in the Seattle area.
I’m still working on getting my home and yard ready for winter. I’d better get my hoses drained and in the garage.
Covid-19 cases are rising in my county, but not spiking as in many places.
For Halloween, I won’t be handing out candy due to the pandemic, although I haven’t had many trick-or-treaters in recent years.
Then, there’s Medicare advantage. I am so tired of the emails, letters, and TV ads about it. Open enrollment for it if you already have Medicare is Oct. 15 to Dec. 7.
The hype makes it seem like your life isn’t complete if you don’t have Medicare Advantage. Actually, it could be a worse deal for you.
You need to compare policies. Just because you could get additional coverage, such as dental coverage and supplements, doesn’t mean you’re going to get all that for cheaper than what you’d pay for a supplemental Medicare plan. And you especially won’t get all those extra items for zero monthly premiums or lower deductibles.
I need to write about the drawbacks of Medicare Advantage again.
Dr. Phil even had a segment extolling the virtues of Medicare Advantage like they were the best thing since sliced bread.
Bloggers in our group are writing about:
- The importance of voting.
- A suggestion to review your supplemental plan if you have Medicare because it’s open enrollment.
- The increase of things hanging on the ears – a mask in addition to hearing aids, glasses, and, only sometimes during the pandemic, earrings.
- A recipe for a Freezy Pumpkin Smoothie.
- How should you think it through it you’re going to write about someone in a memoir.
- A dog that doesn’t care who’s president, what’s covid-19, or even the name of her town, but just the fall sights, tastes, and smells on neighborhood walks.
Jennifer Koshak of Unfold and Begin writes about these articles on the Best of Boomer Blogs #671. Click here to get the links to the articles. And be sure to join in the conversations. Bloggers love to hear from readers.