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Start researching in August for items you plan to buy, but it may pay to wait until Labor Day sales

August marks the beginning of the end of summer, as well as a new school year for many people. Because of that, it may not seem like a good time for shopping anything other than pencils, notebooks, and backpacks. However, August has much more than back to school deals and... Read more →

What to buy and not buy during July 2024

As with most holidays, you’ll find worthwhile deals around July Fourth. Sales have already begun, so start comparing prices. As always, you’ll avoid “marked way up and marked way down” if you check out prices. July Fourth sales usually continue until about a week after the holiday. Here are some items that are likely to be marked down: Read more →

Be careful in extreme heat to avoid heat-related illnesses and even death

It seems today that writing about extreme heat is strange. This weekend, I was so cold when I did yard work here in the Seattle area that I wore my extra-sweater-and-leggings outfit I wear for winter gardening. And, although everyone is warning about not to avoid heat exhaustion and even death, I’m going to write about it, too. Read more →

Facts and figures for Memorial Day 2024

Memorial Day is a day to honor Americans who have died in service to their country. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans attend parades and visit cemeteries to place flowers on the graves of loved ones. Barbecues and trips also are popular. Read more →

Which sunscreen should you buy to protect yourself from summer sun?

It’s important to protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen and by taking other protections such as wearing a wide-brimmed hat and long sleeves. Sunscreen protects your skin against radiation from sun rays called ultraviolet A and B. UVB rays are the ones that mostly cause sunburn, while UVA rays mainly cause aging skin. Read more →

Watch out for mystery shopping scams that give you a fake check then ask you for gift cards payments

If you’re looking for a new job, getting paid to shop might sound like a good way to make money. Companies hire mystery shoppers to try products or services and share experiences about things like buying or returning something, or their overall customer experience. But while some mystery shopping jobs are legitimate, many aren’t. So how do you spot the scams? Read more →

What to buy and not buy in April this year

April may not seem like a big month for shopping, but you’ll find a lot of categories that have good deals. Some of them are practical, so if you want fun and frivolous items, you may have to do more research. Here are suggestions from on what to buy and not buy in April: For Cookware, you’re likely to see deals in April. Read more →

What to buy and not buy during March 2024

March isn’t one of the hottest months for finding deals, but you may be able to score great savings on several items in March as long as you know what to shop for. offers the following suggestions: Pi Day – March 14 is Pi Day because it’s 3-14 and it celebrates the mathematical constant pi, 3.14159. Look for restaurants that offer deals for $3.14. Read more →

What to do on Presidents’ Day

How’s your Presidents’ Day going? I got lucky and my daughter is visiting from Madrid. We’ve been checking out the sights in Seattle and getting together with her friends. If you need some ideas for activities for the holiday, consider the following: (1) Read biographies of Washington and Lincoln. (2) Ask five friends who their favorite president is and why. Read more →