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Trump’s executive order to reduce prices is worthless

Issued Wednesday, President Trump’s executive order to “Defeat the Cost-of-Living Crisis” is extremely disappointing. However, I’m not surprised. A man who lied 30,000 times during his first term as president and who, on the campaign trail – continued to lie, made racist, misogynistic comments, and stirred up hate against groups... Read more →

It’s Inauguration Day: The foxes are in the henhouse

It’s a sad day for the United States of America. We know the destruction Donald Trump caused during his first term as president, but his second term is going to be worse. Trump only cares about making money for himself and his wealthy friends. Now, billionaires are ingratiating themselves to... Read more →

Bloggers write about what’s on their minds

In the Seattle area on Sunday, the sky’s blue and it’s cold. That often happens here – when it’s not raining in the winter, it’s cold. I’m looking forward to spring, my favorite time of year, and planting my garden and seeing my rhododendrons bloom. Weeds, not so much. So,... Read more →

Top 10 consumer and personal finance stories of 2024

It’s been quite a year, 2024, in many, many ways. Consumers have been pushed and pulled, then slammed to the ground with the election president who has a record of not acting in the interest of consumers. When he was president, Trump proposed doing away with the ability of states... Read more →

Help save lemurs with a Giving Tuesday donation

Photo: Courtesy of Wildlife Madagascar My niece Debra Erickson is embarking on a fantastic, challenging project. Debra’s founded a group called Wildlife Madagascar. Last year, she and her family moved there. Madagascar, an island country off the southeastern coast of Africa, is known for its unique wildlife. Some of its... Read more →

What to do about ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water, as tests show millions more are exposed

More than 11 million additional people have the toxic “forever chemicals,” per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals known as PFAS, in their drinking water, new tests of the nation’s drinking water supply by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency show. The tests confirm the presence of one or more PFAS compounds at 2,394... Read more →

As the U.S. is fooled – again – by con man Donald Trump, get ready for a bumpy, four-year ride in your financial life

The American people are being conned a second time by Donald Trump, probably the greatest con man in American history, as they voted to give him the presidency again. Now Trump, who lied more than 35,000 times in his first presidential term, is the president elect. He’ll be in the... Read more →

Vote for consumer protection and positive policies for everyday Americans on Nov. 5

Photo: Gage Skidmore If you haven’t voted yet, vote for Kamala Harris for president on Tuesday. It’s so concerning when I hear people being interviewed on the radio or TV and they say they’re going to vote for Donald Trump because they think Trump will do something to help them.... Read more →