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Gardening Feed

As fall turns into winter, bloggers see Halloween slide by and Election Day finally arriving

Along with getting my yard ready for winter, I prepared for and enjoyed Halloween. Next on the fall agenda is Election Day. I’ve voted, Washington state has mail-in ballots, and I’m looking forward to getting the election results at last on Tuesday. I’ll be joining my friends for an election... Read more →

Happy Labor Day 2024

On Sunday, I attended the Olympia Harbor Days celebration. After I enjoyed walking along the boardwalk and taking photos, I participated in another Labor Day typical activity – shopping. Although I didn’t find any bargains, it was fun to get out and walk along the waterfront, an area local activists... Read more →

What to buy and not buy during September 2024

Like many people, I’m beginning to notice signs of summer fading and fall approaching. Unfortunately. I’m not a fan of winter. September marks the end of summer. Sales are already underway for Labor Day. September is a great month to shop, meaning you don't have to wait until Black Friday... Read more →

Which states have the most invasive plant species?

My daughter Mona is a Ph.D. botanist. When she was in the ninth grade she said she was going to study horticulture and be a botanist. Mona loves plants. Whenever we go on vacation, she “botanizes,” checking out the plants, bushes, and tree and identifying them. When she was in the middle of doing her doctoral thesis on cape ivy, we took a trip to Spain and Portugal. Read more →

Start researching in August for items you plan to buy, but it may pay to wait until Labor Day sales

August marks the beginning of the end of summer, as well as a new school year for many people. Because of that, it may not seem like a good time for shopping anything other than pencils, notebooks, and backpacks. However, August has much more than back to school deals and... Read more →

Summer salads are refreshing, while keeping the kitchen cool

My daughter Mona is great at making salads. As part of a large farm family, she’s used to cooking for crowds. When she comes to visit, as she did for my July Fourth party, she always asks me to get out the large bowls. Then she peruses her vegetarian cookbooks, which she brings with her, and prepares her latest salad success. Read more →

Will customer service ever get better after the pandemic?

Although I’m used to the fact that customer service these days is abysmal, my experiences on a hot day Monday about made my head explode. I’m shopping for a new garden shed. I don’t have a very big space so I’m looking for a metal shed 4 feet by 6 feet. I like blue, so after lots of research, I headed off to Lowe’s with my contractor. Read more →